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Jianbiao Li, Xiaofei Niu (with Qian Cao), 2022, “Tempus Fugit: The Impact of Time Constraint on Investor Behavior”, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization

2022-11-04 09:16:11

Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization

Volume 200, August 2022, Pages 67-81

Tempus Fugit: The Impact of Time Constraint on Investor Behavior


a School of Business Administration, Nanjing University of Finance & Economics, Nanjing, China

b School of Economics/Institute for Study of Brain-Like Economics, Shandong University, Jinan, China


This study experimentally examines the impact of time constraints on the disposition effect, which refers to the empirical fact that investors have a higher propensity to sell stocks with capital gains compared to stocks with capital losses. We recruit 270 student participants and implement three treatments: no time constraint (NTC), 20-s time constraint (20TC), and 10-s time constraint (10TC). We find that the 10TC treatment, where student participants perceive higher levels of time pressure than the NTC treatment, significantly reduces the disposition effect, whereas the 20TC treatment, in which feelings of time pressure do not differ from the NTC treatment, does not affect the disposition effect. Self-control is a potential explanation for the treatment effect. The replication experiment with 166 financial professionals not only indicates our results’ external validity but also shows the robustness of our results to the high time pressure (i.e., 5-s time constraint).