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Yue Qiao(with Zhiyong Liu),2012, "Abuse of Market Dominance under China's 2007 Anti-monopoly Law: A Preliminary Assessment," Review of Industrial Organization

2014-04-22 08:23:18

Review of Industrial Organization

2012, 41(1-2): 77-102

Abuse of Market Dominance under China's 2007 Anti-monopoly Law: A Preliminary Assessment

Zhiyong (John) Liua Yue Qiaob

a Indiana State University - Scott College of Business

b Shandong University


In this article we introduce the abuse of dominance provisions in China’s Anti-monopoly Law (AML) that was enacted in 2007, and we put this in context by briefly describing the laws on the abuse of dominance that existed before the AML, and their relationship with the provisions in the AML. We then discuss the interpretation and enforcement of the AML’s abuse of dominance provisions; on the one hand generally in the context of China’s new market competition environment and its political-legal system, and on the other hand specifically through a consideration of some recent antitrust cases on the abuse of market dominance. Finally, we offer a preliminary appraisal of the law and its enforcement.