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Youth League Academic Luncheon 105:Can Virtual Bargaining explain coordination in team production when efforts exhibit strategic complementarity?

2024-04-09 08:54:47

Topic:Can Virtual Bargaining explain coordination in team production when efforts exhibit strategic complementarity?

Introduction of theL ecturer:

NaZuo,the assistant researcher at the School of Economics,Shandong University.She received her PhD from the University of Tennessee,Knoxville,USA.He rresearch fields include microeconomics,game theory and behavioral economics.

Abstract:Standard non-cooperative game theory predicts free-riding in teamwork games,butvarying degrees of cooperative behavior and supra-Nash equilibrium contributions are often observed in the lab.Virtual Bargaining yield predicted contributions greater than Nash when contributions exhibit strategic complementarity.We design an experiment to test whether players exhibit behavior consistent with the Virtual Bargaining prediction.

Time:December 21,2023 12:15-13:15

Venue: B321,ZhixinBuilding,CentralCampus