Topic:Models in International Trade
ChenLiu,male,wasborn inYantai,Shandongprovince.Hereceived his Mathematics from TongjiUniversity,M.S.inInternational Relations from the University ofCalifornia,SanDiego,andPh.D.ineconomics.In2019,he joined the Department of Economics of the National University of Singapore as Assistant Professor ofEconomics.Hisresearch focuses on the impact of globalization (international trade migration) and technological innovation on the wealth gap and laboremployment.Hisdoctoralgraduation essayis published in journal ofinternationaleconomics,brookingspapers on economicactivity.Duringthe PhD he had obtainedNBER Pre-DoctoralFellowship,AlfredP Sloan Foundation.
Lectures will cover several international trademodels,includingthe RicardianModel,theHeckscher-OlinModel,NewTrade Theory,etc.,as well as recent advances inquantitative trademodels,includingacademic frontiers such as Eaton and Kortum (2002) and Melitz (2003).
This lecture aims to provide a comprehensive analysis of the historical development of international tradetheory,exploringin depth the historical background of the emergence of each model and the reasons for their significant influence at thetime.Theaudience will be able to gain a deeper understanding of the evolution of thesetheories,anda better understanding of the relationship between the development of international trade theories and the international economicenvironment,andgain a comprehensive understanding of international trademodels,notonly their theoreticalframework,butalso their practical application in the field ofeconomics.Itwill help students to have a more comprehensive understanding of international trade and stimulate them to think more deeply about economic research.
Time:December 21,2023 10:00-12:00
Venue: B423,ZhixinBuilding,CentralCampus