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Macroeconomics and Finance Forum No.24

2024-05-14 09:15:01


Bank Technology Adoption and Productivity


Gang Zhang, Assistant Professor of Economics, Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business. He received his PhD in economics from the University of Virginia in 2018. His research has been published in IMF Economic Review, Macro Dynamics (Macroeconomic Dynamics) and other international academic journals.


We build and estimate a model of endogenous growth and banking efficiency in which banks adopt technology embedded in capital goods produced by entrepreneurs, and agents choose whether to be workers or capital goods-producing entrepreneurs. In this setting ,aggregate firm productivity affects bank efficiency and vice versa. We find that closing down the technology adoption by bank reduces aggregate productivity growth by 16.7 percent. Empirical evidence based on US Call Report data is consistent with the bank technology adoption mechanism at the core of the model.

Time: April 12 , 2024 8:30-10:00

Venue: B321,Zhixin Building,Central Campus